Saturday, October 3, 2009

How To Convert A Liberal - Part One

I thought it rather bemusing that my dictionary,
the "American Heritage Dictionary - College Edition",
published by Houghton Mifflin Company, describes
a politically "conservative" person as "one who
favors traditional views and values" (such as our
nation's historical character), while a "liberal" is
said to be "one who promotes governmental power
for 'social progress' and civil liberties."
Now I agree that I'm not "the sharpest tack in the
pack", but there are a lot of inferences in that
latter statement, and a lot more definition to
fully describe what a modern-day "Liberal" really is.
Preferring to defer a more intricate description,
allow me please to simply offer some steps and
points of discussion that may more clearly
define what/who is a "Liberal", and how/why
they need to be "converted" in their thinking.
l. Ask them to tell you what the founding
documents of our country say.
2. Relate particular portions of The Declaration
Of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill Of
Rights and the ensuing Amendments to their
peculiar style of governing or politicking.
3. Explain to them, if they'll listen, how important
it is NOT to equivocate, prevaricate, & fabricate -
these are morally wrong! Remember the
Kennedy era's "mental reservations" theory?
4. Tell them that citizens want to make their own
decisions, not have government officials, whether
elected or appointed, to speak for them or tell
them what they must do!
5. Explain to them that selfishness and covetousness
is SIN!
6. Ask them how much they've read about our
Founding Fathers, and ask them to do so - SOON!
7. Ask them how they would fit in with the originators
of our nation and its documents.
8. Request a list of criterions that they follow in
determining what bills or laws should be written
and implemented. I'd really like to hear that
conversation, that is, if they will respond honestly.
9. While there has been some discussion as to
whether we are a "democracy" or a "republic",
both are forms of representative governments
that allow the voice of the populace to be the
rule or law of the land, not the ideas of the few
who ominously use their power and position to
do otherwise.
10. Ask a liberal just what their political philosophy
is, if they can describe it. You'll be surprised and
11. Ask liberal policymakers who they are indebted
to, or are "in bed with", and if they don't have a
conscience that tells them that paybacks and
acting for political or financial gain are WRONG!
12. Encourage them to be open to an exchange of
ideas from their constituency, not just what they
think is the proper course of action.
13. Remind them that our country must be put
necessary that we remain strong to continue to be
a "beacon of hope" and "big brother" to other
peoples and nations who are struggling for survival
and identity.
14. NO ONE, whether conservative, liberal, or
otherwise, has the right to "police" peoples' minds
or thoughts; dictate peoples' words unless incendiary
or defamatory; tell upright citizens that they cannot
or may not defend their lives and property!
15. Liberals, based on their record, have a reputation
of being selfish, self-centered, and egotistical, all to
the point of not allowing guilt or sorrow or remorse
to be a part of their agendas or personas.

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