Thursday, April 7, 2011


It's getting exciting and frustrating, isn't it?  We have
an inept "leader", "His Arrogance", who wants to
raise a BILLION DOLLARS to ensure his reelection,
and now a BILLIONAIRE potential candidate who
wants to prohibit Hussein's second term.  Humph.

What's your take?  Is Donald Trump a viable force
to displace "Nobama"?  Who else do you have in

Of all the the current wannabes in the conservative
pasture, none of them has distinguished themselves
as the "candidate-of-choice" of a significant majority
of pre-campaign electors.

Personally, I like a couple of the "leftovers" from the
previous election, not mentioning names yet, but not
one of them has surged into the frontrunner's slot.


I'm not "trumping" or "stumping" for Trump, at least
not yet, but he offers a lot for consideration and
     HE'S "PRETTY".

Try to find any of these qualities in the "best-that-the
libs-can-offer", and I believe that you'll determine (if
you're honest with yourself) that Donald Trump is
head and shoulders above any other male or female
potential presidential candidate at this time, at least
any Democrat.

Donald's not afraid to speak his mind.  I'm not sure
that Obama has a mind or knows his mind.

Donald is known internationally.  "NObama" wasn't
known by other peoples then, and still is an enigma.

Donald has the dollars to add to his "clout".  Hussein
hid his donor records, and hasn't account for the $34
million left over from his election campain fund.

Donald got his riches by hard work and smart
business transactions.  We still don't know, and
may never find out, who "Barry's" supporters are,
or who financed his schooling or election.

Donald has plans to level the playing field on
international trading.  Barack and his advisors want
to weaken and ultimately destroy the U.S.A.'s
power and position in the world.

MORE?  There will be more to come.  My main
point for now is to get you to THINK!  Compare
notes.  Compare persons.  Compare characters.
Compare histories.

Donald brought himself back from the "brink of
bankruptcy" not too long ago, and no doubt can
devise a plan (if he doesn't have one already) to
stabilize America's economy.


We gave NObama, an unknown quantity a chance,
and look at what we got - he and his cronies have
foisted an immoral healthcare program on us, his
so-called stimulus plan has been ineffective, his
foreign policy (if you think he has one) has done
nothing but dug a deeper hole for our military and
for our nation's security and continuance.

Conservatives and true Americans need to find and
support someone who can and will return our
country to greatness and respect.  PRAY, friend.
Who will it be?  God help us.  


"SAY IT ISN'T SO, GLENN!" Don't leave us, please!

For some weeks I've been thinking about writing to encourage people to tune in to the "Glenn Beck Program", which airs weekdays at 5 PM on Fox on Direct TV here in Pittsburgh. GLENN IS A "VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS", much like John the Baptist who heralded the arrival of the Messiah. No one else, sad to say, has been putting the pieces together like Glenn has, teaching us and warning us of "the coming judgment". While I do catch some Hannity, Greta, and O'Reilly(?), no one makes more sense and "does his homework" like Glenn Beck. Now the reports say that GLENN IS LEAVING HIS REGULAR SHOW sometime this year! Wha? Why? DID GEORGE SOROS HAVE HIS WAY? IS "HIS ARROGANCE" BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA WINNING? ARE PELOSI AND REID GAINING A VICTORY? HAVE THE STERNS (SEIU) INFLUENCED PEOPLE? ARE WE BOUND TO BECOME A SOCIALIST NATION? IS BARNEY FRANK AND HIS ILK TAKING OVER? IS GOD STILL ON THE THRONE? The announcement of Glenn's "departure" worries and frightens me, and it should you, too. Every warm- blooded, flag-honoring, soldier-saluting, national anthem- loving American should be concerned!! ARE YOU? PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR GOD'S SAKE, AND FOR OUR COUNTRY'S SAKE, LISTEN TO (AND WATCH) GLENN WHILE YOU CAN. Let's pray that we don't lose a "voice of reason" in the din of attempts to totally change the character, personality, and future of our once-great, and still-great nation. WHO WILL STEP UP? WHO WILL "TAKE UP THE MANTLE"? WHO WILL BE THE JEFFERSONS, THE HAMILTONS, THE WASHINGTON, THE PAYNES OF TODAY? What is about to happen is A SAD COMMENTARY ON THE MORALITY AND SPIRITUALITY OF OUR U.S.A., AND OUR WORLD. IT'S A DIRE ASSESSMENT OF THE DIRECTION THAT OUR WORLD, IN PARTICULAR THE U.S.A. IS HEADING! One of the possible reasons advanced for Glenn's change is the absence of sufficient advertisers and sponsors. BECAUSE OF THE BRAVERY AND BRAVADO WITH WHICH GLENN PRESENTS "THE MESSAGE", MANY HAVE SHIED AWAY FROM ASSOCIATION WITH HIM AND HIS "TELL-IT-LIKE-IT-IS" MANNER! How sad! Dollars and "sense" don't seem to go together according to some people's and corporation's logic. GOD BLESS AMERICA, AND GOD BLESS GLENN BECK and his staff and supporters. I intend to watch every show of his as long as I can, and will continue to give him moral and prayer support "for the duration", which probably means until our beloved nation is no longer recognizable as the nation we have been, and we are all subjects to a hellish regime and evil government, as many are planning and implementing at this very moment, and have been for a long time. DOES IT MATTER TO YOU WHAT IS HAPPENING? DO YOU CARE WHAT HAPPENS? ARE YOU IN PRAYER ABOUT THE SITUATION? WILL YOU "STAND UP AND BE COUNTED'? P.S. - I BELIEVE THAT GOD HAS RAISED UP THIS "PROPHET", GLENN BECK, and as he often (on every program, I believe) encourages his listeners and viewers to "get the information for yourself", ie., don't take his word for things, but read, hear, research, and come to our own conclusions.