Sunday, May 31, 2009


Kudos to the California Supreme Court for its
decision to respect the vote of its state's citizens
and deny "same-sex" marriages' legality.
Every culture and empire since the beginning of
time has considered "one man-one woman" to be
the NORM for marriage. While there were those
who allowed multiple wives, there were still
no allowances or acceptances of people of the
same gender being "united in marriage".
Being one of the centers of liberalism (Wisconsin
being the other), one would expect that the Calif.
"gay" lobby would be winners, knowing as to
that the capital of entertainment is in this
state. Politicians of the "gender-bending" sort
have made more than their share of noise over
the last few decades, all in the effort to erode any
opposition to their "lifestyle". The battle continues,
as I've already written, and will go on until they
get their agenda passed, a major step to the
ultimate ruination of mankind and society as we
have known it, and as God has designed it.
All this begs the question, "Are you a conservative,
a moderate, or a liberal?".
Here, in a novices' attempt at defining, and based
on my years of limited involvement, are my
definitions/interpretations of the "castes" or
"classes" of political camps or viewpoints:
CONSERVATIVES: By the very definition of the
word, these are people who are hesitant and
careful to act or initiate policies until they are
thought out or thoroughtly discussed.
CONSERVATIVES, generally speaking, are for
limited government; support public initiatives
for social programs; are watchdogs of government
expenditures; tend to be fiscally responsible;
believe in and practice Judeo/Christian morality
and lifestyles; practice their religious beliefs;
want accountability for illegals; seek to fix the
problems in government; are family oriented;
trust America's citizens to be responsible gun-
owners; covet the heritage and continuation of
our country's pride and principles; speak to
protect our right-to-be; value life from its onset
to the grave; want health care to be policed in
hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, etc.;
are savvy, knowledgable, and respectful, even
when critiquing others; are "cool under fire"
concerning our national interests; and desire
sane, intelligent discussions.
LIBERALS are quick to rush to judgment or
action, based on emotions or personal wants
at the time of decision. They are "liberal"
with their thinking and acting.
LIBERALS: like BIG government, much like
the "big brother" concept of socialists and
communists regimes; love to spend money, even
if there is no money to spend and they have to
"manufacture" dollars; don't care about our
children's or grandchildren's future when they'll
have to bail us out for our lack of fiscal insight;
practice their "religion" when it's politically
expedient to do so, otherwise it's not an issue
or a subject to bring up; belong to traditional,
liturgical, "apostate" religions/churches who
have no real moral teachings or practices - a
"form of religion" as the Bible mentions; want
amnesty for the lawbreakers who have broken
our borders; are quick to assign blame to others;
believe that immorality or breaking of marriage
vows don't matter (Kennedy, Hart, Clinton, Edwards,
et al); liberals want to severely limit the possession
of firearms for decent people who desire them for
sport or personal protection; would readily meld
us into "the new world order"; apologize for taking
the necessary means to protect ourselves; have no
problem taking life from conception on into any
stage (which will eventually result in euthanasia
and "mercy killings"); don't care about preserving
"the American way"; would "nationalize" our
health care, resulting in socialized medicine, ie.
lower quality care, denied treatments, and limited
access;, elect or appoint based on personality not
experience; are easily angered, vengeful, insulted;
can't handle criticism, opposition, or different
points of view.
MODERATES have personality conflicts! Ha-Ha.
Seriously, if you agree with half or more of either
overall definitions above, you are a "conservative"
or a "liberal". There's nothing sinful about having
differences or agreements with either of the "poles".
Just believe what you believe, be convinced of
your stance, be thoughtful about your positions
and not just emotional.
JESUS said, "Will I find faith on the earth when
I return?". I wonder. Our civilization has drifted
or sped so far from what He taught that the
ultimate question is - Are you a Christian or an
infidel? Do you believe in, have you accepted,
and are you living for the Saviour? Have you
asked for and received forgiveness for you sins?
Politics aside, the most important issue that
each of must decide is - Where will I spend eternity?

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