Been wanting to address this issue for a while now, just waiting for "a clear head and heart" to do so. This still may not be the right time, but here goes!
Or..........................should you?
Please, give this some serious thought. I have been, and I pray that it shows.
First, your "religion", or in my case, "my Christianity", is the MOST IMPORTANT AREA OF MY EXISTENCE. It is my purpose in living, and in doing much, if not most, if not "all" of what I think, feel, and do - on a daily basis.
I am a Christian. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I read, study, and attempt to live by His teachings. He is God's Son. He is my example. He is my Saviour by experience, and my Lord by choice! EVERYTHING THAT I AM is because of my love and devotion to Him and his leadership.
I CANNOT SEPARATE MY LORD IN MY LIFE FROM ANY OTHER PART OF MY LIFE!!! He is in me. He goes with me. His Spirit teaches and guides, and empowers me - daily!
That being said - "What should be my attitude or approach" to PATRIOTISM? Can or should they be mixed? Can or should my faith and my "love for country" cohabitate? Is there "a fine line" that I may cross by my devotion to America? Or whatever your country may be?
SHOULD A CHRISTIAN BE A PATRIOT? Is there a danger in putting one ahead of the other, ie. devotion to country before faith or religion?
YES. It is quite possible that I, or you, or others may have improper priorities, and devote themselves to America moreso than their Lord.
CAUTION IS ESSENTIAL HERE. As admirable and honorable as it may be, and usually is, to be thankful and committed to one's homeland, it must be put into the perspective of, "HOW DOES OR SHOULD MY FAITH AFFECT MY PATRIOTISM"?
From where I stand - I am an American. Born here. Relished my life here. Blessed to be an American. Love my country. Thank God for the freedoms, blessings, and opportunities of being an American! AND FOR THOSE REASONS, I DO, AND WILL INCULCATE MY CHRISTIANITY INTO MY EFFORTS TO BE A PROUD PATRIOT!
America was founded on principles of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. We are a Judeo-Christian nation! Most of our country's founders were believers in the teachings of Scriptures. Volumes of evidence and proof have attested to their trust in "The Divine" to lead and guide them in formulating the great United States of America!!
My America has been a bastion for truth and freedom. We have been "a lighthouse to the world" for religious beliefs, tolerances, and propagation!
THIS WORLD IS BLESSED AND ENRICHED BY THE EXISTENCE OF AMERICA! We have taken the Gospel to them by many and various efforts - medical aid, financial assistance, military might to ward off evil
intentions, and lastly, and most importantly, WE HAVE SENT AMBASSADORS OF THE GOSPEL into many sin-darkened corners of the globe - to help them to "be free" of the power that SIN and SATAN has held on their lives.
GIVING THAT ALL OF THIS IS "TRUE AND RIGHT" - "What place does an American, who is also a Christian, play in the 'politics' of his or her country?"
POLITICS! A "DIRTY WORD"? A "dirty profession"? Risque? Vorbotten? To be avoided? To be ignored? A tool of the Devil? For the citizens of this world to be involved in? Left to evil and greedy persons?
Got your "thinking cap" on? What say ye? DOES GOD WANT US TO IGNORE AND AVOID POLITICS? Is it "His will" that we concentrate on "things of the Kingdom", and not be a part of what is happening to this world's or our nation's governments?
DO YOU READ THE NEWS? DO YOU HEAR THE NEWS? DO YOU WATCH THE NEWS? Diabolical forces are advancing in their efforts to totally and diametrically change "civilization"! Every advance that mankind has made and appreciated for centuries is at risk of being lost!!
A "MAJOR WORLD RELIGION", AND A "BEHIND-THE-SCENES POWER GROUP" are plotting the demise/death, ceasing-to-exist of not only America, but of everything that we know as "civilization". Satan is afoot. His minions are many. They are powerful, not just because of their numbers, but because of "the power" of evil and darkness that he indwells them with!!
We each have a calling. Yours is similar, but may well be quite different than mine. You may be "a prayer-warrior". You may be a teacher or preacher. You may be a personal witness. You may be an "enabler" with your finances. You may be a counsellor. You may be an "administrator" YOUR GIFTS MAY WELL BE A COMBINATION OF THESE CALLINGS!
YOU MAY ALSO HAVE, AS I BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN, "CALLED TO BE A WARRIOR" in the work of the Gospel, my love for America, and my "fight to further the causes of truth and right" in the halls of Congress, the White House, and our state and local government agencies. It is not beyond reason or possibility that God is calling you to "run for office"! We sure could use "a few more good men and women" in our national affairs!
Too many are lulled asleep by the ruses of our spiritual and national enemy - "the Prince of Darkness", Lucifer, Satan, the Devil.
SIN IS SIN. TRUTH IS TRUTH. "Righteousness exalts a nation", my Bible says, and, not to risk our "major calling to be 'light and salt' to the world as a whole, I am engaged in the SPIRITUAL BATTLE FOR THE SOULS OF MEN, whether by supporting missions, praying for souls, encouraging spiritual soldiers in their efforts, contributing to my local church, or STRIVING TO KEEP AMERICA FREE to continue to "shine the light of the Gospel" as long as God allows and enables us to do so.
My "calling" is not your calling. God has "a special place" for each one of us in His 'economy' and Kingdom. DO WHAT HE'S CALLED YOU TO DO! DO WHAT HE'S PLACED UPON YOUR HEART TO DO!!
And when we each one stand before Him, may we all hear His, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the 'joy of the Lord'!"
Or..........................should you?
Please, give this some serious thought. I have been, and I pray that it shows.
First, your "religion", or in my case, "my Christianity", is the MOST IMPORTANT AREA OF MY EXISTENCE. It is my purpose in living, and in doing much, if not most, if not "all" of what I think, feel, and do - on a daily basis.
I am a Christian. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I read, study, and attempt to live by His teachings. He is God's Son. He is my example. He is my Saviour by experience, and my Lord by choice! EVERYTHING THAT I AM is because of my love and devotion to Him and his leadership.
I CANNOT SEPARATE MY LORD IN MY LIFE FROM ANY OTHER PART OF MY LIFE!!! He is in me. He goes with me. His Spirit teaches and guides, and empowers me - daily!
That being said - "What should be my attitude or approach" to PATRIOTISM? Can or should they be mixed? Can or should my faith and my "love for country" cohabitate? Is there "a fine line" that I may cross by my devotion to America? Or whatever your country may be?
SHOULD A CHRISTIAN BE A PATRIOT? Is there a danger in putting one ahead of the other, ie. devotion to country before faith or religion?
YES. It is quite possible that I, or you, or others may have improper priorities, and devote themselves to America moreso than their Lord.
CAUTION IS ESSENTIAL HERE. As admirable and honorable as it may be, and usually is, to be thankful and committed to one's homeland, it must be put into the perspective of, "HOW DOES OR SHOULD MY FAITH AFFECT MY PATRIOTISM"?
From where I stand - I am an American. Born here. Relished my life here. Blessed to be an American. Love my country. Thank God for the freedoms, blessings, and opportunities of being an American! AND FOR THOSE REASONS, I DO, AND WILL INCULCATE MY CHRISTIANITY INTO MY EFFORTS TO BE A PROUD PATRIOT!
America was founded on principles of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. We are a Judeo-Christian nation! Most of our country's founders were believers in the teachings of Scriptures. Volumes of evidence and proof have attested to their trust in "The Divine" to lead and guide them in formulating the great United States of America!!
My America has been a bastion for truth and freedom. We have been "a lighthouse to the world" for religious beliefs, tolerances, and propagation!
THIS WORLD IS BLESSED AND ENRICHED BY THE EXISTENCE OF AMERICA! We have taken the Gospel to them by many and various efforts - medical aid, financial assistance, military might to ward off evil
intentions, and lastly, and most importantly, WE HAVE SENT AMBASSADORS OF THE GOSPEL into many sin-darkened corners of the globe - to help them to "be free" of the power that SIN and SATAN has held on their lives.
GIVING THAT ALL OF THIS IS "TRUE AND RIGHT" - "What place does an American, who is also a Christian, play in the 'politics' of his or her country?"
POLITICS! A "DIRTY WORD"? A "dirty profession"? Risque? Vorbotten? To be avoided? To be ignored? A tool of the Devil? For the citizens of this world to be involved in? Left to evil and greedy persons?
Got your "thinking cap" on? What say ye? DOES GOD WANT US TO IGNORE AND AVOID POLITICS? Is it "His will" that we concentrate on "things of the Kingdom", and not be a part of what is happening to this world's or our nation's governments?
DO YOU READ THE NEWS? DO YOU HEAR THE NEWS? DO YOU WATCH THE NEWS? Diabolical forces are advancing in their efforts to totally and diametrically change "civilization"! Every advance that mankind has made and appreciated for centuries is at risk of being lost!!
A "MAJOR WORLD RELIGION", AND A "BEHIND-THE-SCENES POWER GROUP" are plotting the demise/death, ceasing-to-exist of not only America, but of everything that we know as "civilization". Satan is afoot. His minions are many. They are powerful, not just because of their numbers, but because of "the power" of evil and darkness that he indwells them with!!
We each have a calling. Yours is similar, but may well be quite different than mine. You may be "a prayer-warrior". You may be a teacher or preacher. You may be a personal witness. You may be an "enabler" with your finances. You may be a counsellor. You may be an "administrator" YOUR GIFTS MAY WELL BE A COMBINATION OF THESE CALLINGS!
YOU MAY ALSO HAVE, AS I BELIEVE I HAVE BEEN, "CALLED TO BE A WARRIOR" in the work of the Gospel, my love for America, and my "fight to further the causes of truth and right" in the halls of Congress, the White House, and our state and local government agencies. It is not beyond reason or possibility that God is calling you to "run for office"! We sure could use "a few more good men and women" in our national affairs!
Too many are lulled asleep by the ruses of our spiritual and national enemy - "the Prince of Darkness", Lucifer, Satan, the Devil.
SIN IS SIN. TRUTH IS TRUTH. "Righteousness exalts a nation", my Bible says, and, not to risk our "major calling to be 'light and salt' to the world as a whole, I am engaged in the SPIRITUAL BATTLE FOR THE SOULS OF MEN, whether by supporting missions, praying for souls, encouraging spiritual soldiers in their efforts, contributing to my local church, or STRIVING TO KEEP AMERICA FREE to continue to "shine the light of the Gospel" as long as God allows and enables us to do so.
My "calling" is not your calling. God has "a special place" for each one of us in His 'economy' and Kingdom. DO WHAT HE'S CALLED YOU TO DO! DO WHAT HE'S PLACED UPON YOUR HEART TO DO!!
And when we each one stand before Him, may we all hear His, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the 'joy of the Lord'!"
"What should be my attitude or approach" to PATRIOTISM? Can or should they be mixed? Can or should my faith and my "love for country" cohabitate? Is there "a fine line" that I may cross by my devotion to America? Or whatever your country may be?
ReplyDeleteThe main affect on the Christian Religion has always been to instill moral and pertinent rules to live by. Most international laws are based in most part on the Ten Commandments. I was not raised Catholic, I was raised Episcopalian. As a youth I attended church every weekend with my father (my mother passed when I was 2). I went to Sunday school, through baptism training and youth groups. I was taught religious concepts but was not really religious!
The first time I really prayed (not just go through the motions) was when I spent 17 months as a POW. Enduring the torture and fear brought my teachings to the forefront! When they interrogated me (the interrogators’ for the most part didn’t speak English) and beat me and broke my teeth, It really helped.
As a soldier, I broke more than one of the Ten Commandments. But along with my Sunday training, I also had teachings from school (when they still covered the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Jefferson Papers and the history of the Founding Fathers). My father also taught in a different way. Every Monday, he would give us kids of which I was the youngest a subject for debate. Two of us were to defend and 2 were to oppose. He would pick a current news story or, often, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and when current elections were available, how we would vote for candidates, budgets etc, (he was an intense patriot). On Wednesday evening right after supper we would debate it. On Thursday, we had to switch sides. If we didn’t research the topic my father would know and we had additional homework. He instilled patriotism in us. We learned debating, and how to convince other to our way of thinking. I continued my fathers methods with my children. All have made me proud. One a nuclear engineer in the Navy, one an Army Ranger, one an Air Force nurse in Kuwait, and one (with 4 kids) married to and supporting a Marine.
Yes, my faith and my "love for country" do and should cohabitate!
Steve, I love it! You make me glad and proud to be your friend! Thanks for sharing, and God bless you richly!
ReplyDeleteThank you. We have an uphill battle getting back our America. I feel we need to concentrate on the State Governors and Legislatures. Constitutional conventions to repeal the 17th Amendment, end the Department of Education and give the power to the States, repeal Obamacare, etc.