Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So much of today's news includes and revolves
around the activities, policies, and philosophies
of unions, from the factory to the schoolroom, to
the public workers' garage, and even in many cases
into our shops and stores.

Having been a member of a couple of unions a
while back, when living and working near York,
Pennsylvania, I'm coming at this subject as one
who has "some" knowledge and experience with
unions.  Still, my comments in this blog should
be perceived as being from "a layman", and not
an expert in any sense of the word.

To start, what do you believe was the purpose of
unions when they were first formed?  From my
public school education I learned that workers
felt that they needed some "protection" from
their employers, "safety" on the job, "wage
security", and "seniority" guarantees.

There may be other side issues, but I believe
these are the main items addressed:

Protection:  By this I mean that a boss or
employer could not demand a workload or
type of work that was unreasonable for each
particular union member.

Safety:  Some early workplaces put so much
emphasis on productivity and pumping out
the goods that the welfare of some workers
was put at risk, all for the "almighty dollar".

Wage Security:  It was felt that each man or
woman doing a certain job was entitled to
the same basic rate of pay, with perhaps
performance bonuses for the amount of
product or service delivered over and above
"the norm", or standard expectations.  Time
with the company also earned advances.

Seniority Guarantees:  Whether a person was
"liked" or not, as long as their work record
was meeting acceptable standards, they had a
job.  A worker could not be dismissed just
because of their color, creed, religion, dress,
etc., and could be safe in knowing that had
a means of livelihood as long as they made
the effort expected. 

You may refine or add to my basic premise,
but to me this is what "value" the unions could
offer and still should be offering their members.

SADLY, there have been those over the years
who have "bastardized" the original meaning
and intent of forming unions.

There are some (many in my experience and
estimation) who, without proper leadership
qualifications, have advanced "through the
ranks" of leadership, and their new-found
positions and powers have gone to their egos,
and have been corrupt in their dealings, not
only with the companies, but with the union
members who they've been elected to repre-
sent, and all too often with the coffers of the
treasuries from dues and pension contributions.

I've seen a few of these fellows who thought
they were "big stuff", strutting around on the
factory floors, acting like they were "God's gift
to the workers"!  Upsetting.

Take that minor (humble) beginning of the
position of "Shop Steward" and magnify its
power in the "locals" and the "national office",
and you have a picture of the baser nature of
humanity - corrupt and sinful.

We've all heard the threats and strong words
of some union "presidents" as they try to
throw their "weight" around in both the labor
negotiations and the political scenes.  THIS IS

I didn't mind being a "brother" or member at
the time that I belonged, as I felt secure with
the "power" of ALL of us in agreements with
"the company" or "the corporation".  My wages
were higher than I could have gotten if I'd just
walked in off the street and been hired, but at
the same time, that "union dues" deduction on
my paychecks caused a bit of angst now and
then.  I would ask myself, "What am I really
getting for my money?".

There may well be a place still for the union,
but as long as sinful, greedy, power-hungry
individuals are allowed to "run the show", we
will question the validity of their existence.

Huge salaries, political appointments, audiences
with high-ranking government people, lavish
parties and suites, costly vacations, etc., have
caused many of us to ask "Do we really want
or need the unions to have such a big and
powerful place in our society today?"

I'm sure there are some good, honest, well-
intentioned men and women who are actively
involved in unions, and many who sit in
positions of leadership, but as in any or all
other areas of life, if there are no checks-and-
balances, no accountability, no honesty,

A part of the solution, no doubt, would be for
the members of unions to take a more active
part.  Ask questions.  Offer input.  Hold your
local officers accountable.  Be willing to take
a position if it presents itself, in the hopes of
"making a difference" for yourself and your
union "brothers".

Yet, our governments also need to oversee
the administration of unions, with respectable
restrictions put on their activities, bookkeeping,
and political involvement.

Without oversight, some members and/or
supporters of unions TEND TO BECOME THUGS,
pushing their "weight" around, and acting as
if they are entities unto themselves, with no
expected rules and regulations of decency and

Do I want unions to "go away"?  It's tempting to
say "yes", especially when we hear and read of
the graft and evil that some have perpetrated,
but "people of good will" stand to benefit from

P.S. The motivation for this blog came partly
from an internet experience earlier today,
when I read numerous threats of violence,
damage, and personal harm being directed to
someone who had taken issues with some of
his state's union activities.  Sad.  No person
or group of persons have the right to confront
another person or persons with whom they
disagree, by stating their intentions to do
them or their properties harm.  WRONG!!   

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