Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Letter To The White House Travel Department

Watching the news yesterday afternoon, and seeing
the early election results scroll across the bottom of
the screen, it occured to me that we should be ready
for a list of explanations to accompany the final
tallies in Virginia and New Jersey.
What do you think we would have heard had the
Liberal candidate(s) won? "It's a mandate for
Obama's agenda!" "Americans are waking up to
what is needed in our country." "Two more states
have spoken for the 'changes' that were promised."
"Obama's power, presence, and influence are being
felt everywhere." Shall I go on? You can imagine
other responses, should the votes have gone his way.
So, what are we hearing from Barry now? "The votes
were not about Obama, they were about the issues."
Wha? Huh? Somebody wake me up!
Did they have this reaction prepared in advance?
Did they stay up all night to excuse themselves?
How much money was spent on trips to support the
Liberal candidates? Your money! My money!
NOW - the White House travel department needs
to get busy setting Barry's itinerary for 2010, as
there are Liberal congressmen and senators who
need his support in their frantic run for reelection!
HURRY! Acorn and the SEIU may be booking the
halls and meeting places ahead of you, mobilizing
their military for intimidating the populace into
voting their people into office!
HURRY! Before the patriotic American right gets
its message into the public's eyes and ears and
starts to make sense to the thinking electorate!
HURRY! Barry's supporters want to see "the
Messiah" and thank him for all the wonderful
"changes" that he has promised and fulfilled! Huh?
HURRY! November's election day will be here
before you know it, and clear-minded candidates
may deliver reasonable platforms to those of
us, a growing majority, who have "had enough"!!
THANKS, BARRY, for what you've done to help
the citizens of New Jersey and Virginia onto the
right path - the path to freedom, independence,
Please, please, Barry, start making your trips as
soon as possible, as rhetoric and charisma and empty
promises are what the voters in other states are
wanting and waiting for. Thank you.
P.S. Will I see you in Pennsylvania? Soon? Please
have the travel office inform me of your appearance
in my area. I can't wait.

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