Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Current Healthcare Reform Bill Is Evil!

I've listened to the Representatives, Senators,
Obama, doctors, liberal and conservative commentators,
and average Americans, and say what you will,
the Healthcare Reform Bill in its current state is
inherently and intrinsically EVIL!!
My advice is to SCRAP what is on the table, call a
consortium of concerned and involved individuals
and organizations, and GET IT RIGHT, or as close
as it can be - surely a lot closer than it is now!
WHO wrote this bill and its proposed amendments?
What are their qualifications? Are there "outside"
interests who are trying to "change" our country?
Talk about your "unAmericanism"! Telling doctors
how much they can earn? Setting fees for services
that are "equal" even if there is a great disparity
between the type and quality and necessity of
those services? Paying for abortions with MY money?
GIVING healthcare to those who are not here
legally, while reducing the support of hospitals and
patients by cutting back on Medicare subsidies?
Forcing private insurance companies to "compete"
with the government, which essentially will bring
the private sector to its knees and potentially out
of business? Limiting services? Mandating end-
of- life consultations and planning? Withholding
treatments from the aged because of their "loss
of vialibility"?
Doubling the national debt, no matter what the
proponents of the plan try to cover up? Taxing
plastic surgery, even if a necessary procedure is
performed? Paying for "sex-change" operations?
"The government" whoever they are, having
access to your bank accounts and medical records?
WHY? Using groups such as the suspicious ACORN
to help implement census and "informational and
instructional" programs? Exempting nonresident
aliens from individual taxes? Restrict "special
needs" patients' coverage? Businesses of various
sizes will be "taxed" (fined) for not providing health
coverage to their employees, depending on the
size of the business, not their financial stability?
Government regulation and oversight of rental and
purchase of power-driven wheelchairs? Over 88
billion dollar$ in a "Quality Standards" fund will
be partially subsidized by transfer of monies from
"other" government trust funds? Are you talking
about Social Security and Medicaid? WRONG!!
There's so much more that could be said, but I
think this one is "the kicker" - veterinarians will
be included as part of the "Public Health Workforce
Corps"! What? Health reform for animals? Huh?
Thanks go to Professor Marc Siegel, medical
professor at NYU, Mat Staver, dean of the Liberty
University School of Law, and Peter Fleckenstein,
who posts on FreeRepublic.com and blogs at
http://blog.flecksoflife.com/., for their invaluable
input and information.
Fellow American, call, write, and speak up - we
need an intelligent, take-everyone-into-account,
FAIR healthcare program! MAYBE IT'S NOT
TIME FOR IT YET? Maybe we have a lot of
work to do yet? Maybe the "wrong" people are
setting the standards?

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