As a lad, one of my favorite toys was a slingshot. Actually, I
had a number of them, some handmade by myself, some
store-bought, but they were a lot of fun to play with. My
friends and I would aim at trees, tin cans we'd set up as
targets, and sometimes we'd even just shoot up into the
air, safely of course, to see how far our missiles would go.
We never shot at people or animals or houses or anything
like that, we just had harmless fun.
Did you know that "slingshotting" is a serious pasttime?
There are manufacturers of slingshots of various styles,
using NASA-inspired space or aircraft-type metals,
rubber that's been treated in a variety of ways to
enhance resiliency and endurance, and you can even
order a variety of ammunition, from BB size to those made
in musket molds, sized at .44 or .50 calibre.
You can join a slingshot organization, subscribe to a
magazine dedicated to the sport, and even participate in
tournaments, including nationals.
There are beginners, advanced, and expert models
available, even ones with "laser sights"? Huh? Prices
range from $15.95 to $29.95, with numerous accessories
offered, as well.
A slingshot, sometimes known as "shangai" or "katty" or
"catapult" (not my idea of one), have been around for
centuries, often employed in small game hunting, such as
pheasants, geese, ducks, rabbits, etc. While I've never
heard of a slingshot being used in battle or personal assault,
four 10-year olds were just suspended from a Pittsburgh-area
school for fashioning pencils, rubber bands, and tape into makeshift,
homemade "weapons", which they were using to launch paper clips
at fellow students and a teacher, hitting the teacher and 3 students,
but not doing any harm or injury.
Can you imagine being attacked by a bunch of "slingshot gangsters"
or robbers? Sure, David used a "sling" (not the same item) to do in
Goliath, but slingshots to commit crimes and do personal harm?
Sounds like a cartoon strip in the making, hey?
TO MY POINT - There are those in our society, especially in our
government and current administration, who feel that ownership
of a firearm is a dangerous proposition. These people want to
severely restrict or limit or do away with gun ownership. Using
the guise of "taking guns out of criminals' hands", or of "removing
dangerous weapons that threaten public safety", they are
proposing and planning to "disarm" the general population.
SORRY! Our God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed right
to possess and use firearms for sport or personal protection is
not one taken lightly by those of us who value our freedoms!
realized how important and necessary it is for law-abiding, sane,
conscientious citizens to own and use their guns and rifles for
sport, hunting, or to protect our persons, families, and possessions!
If those who feel otherwise would just see to it that our current
laws were enforced, and that crimes involving guns were rigidly
and regularly punished, perhaps more harshly than now, "the
problem", as they term it, would dissipate. PUNISH THE
WRONGDOERS, not the American PATRIOTS who believe that
if you get your way, disarming the general populace will only
encourage terrorists and foreign entities who mean us ill will.
250 YEARS!! God SAVE America!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Anyone who tackles this subject is running the risk of
going pell-mell into a hive of "killer" bees, I know, but
a sensible, logical approach to AMNESTY needs to be
taken, as so much is at risk.
First, there is the toll of human life that we, as a
"Christian" and godly nation, must, out of compassionate
hearts such as our Saviour (Jesus Christ), take into
consideration. After believing for a long time that we
should "send the illegals packing", I'm straining to
consider the ramifications, humanely speaking, of taking
such an action.
Heavens, YES, they are here against our laws and against
common sense, or so I've thought. Laws have consequences
for the lawbreakers, usually, and it is that approach that
I'm beginning to believe should best be taken. Those who
are here illegally should be made to pay a higher price or
perform tougher procedures before they can become
eligible for citizenship. After all, they have taken some of
our jobs that belong to American citizens, they have been
a drain on our welfare and healthcare systems, and they
are probably NOT paying their share of the expenses for
operating our great nation's government.
Just try to imagine the logistics of trying to send any
portion of the 8 million or so "squatters" back to their
homelands. It may be simpler and less expensive to
keep them here and patriate them! (My word.) Let's
give them a time requirement to meet before allowing
them to become citizens. Let's limit the number and
value of assets they can accumulate before becoming
If they want to continue to speak their native tongue(s), fine,
but do so as a subculture, DON'T EXPECT US TO HAVE TO
LEARN OTHER LANGUAGES just to assimilate them into
our lifestyles! Haba Englas? YES!
I'm all for returning "criminals" to their homeland(s) - those
who commit crimes of any nature, whether drug trafficking,
assualts, robberies, thefts, or failing to register properly and
be liable for appropriate taxation. Our penal system is already
overburdened with inmates, a large percentage of them drug-
related, and we don't need to have to keep being taxed to take
on an even heavier tax burden!
Individuals who are sick or need health care should be given
the necessary treatment to get them well, then send them home.
The most difficult part of this problem is the children who have
been born here, which I understand makes them automatically
American citizens. Here's the conundrum: How do we absorb
these citizens into our citizenship and legally and humanely
handle the problem of their parents? Should we send them
home and allow the children to return at some point or age?
Do we require that a monetary stipulation be attached to
their wages when they enter the work force, which payment
would help to cover the costs of allowing the parents to remain
here? Should the parents be granted "provisional citizenship",
assuming that they intend to blend into our culture and make
an honest effort to "earn their keep"?
Who has the answers? Congress? The president? Any of
the state legislatures? The churches? Government departments?
TO KNOW THE SOLUTION, but together, with God's help, we
need to reach a civilized, humane, conscientious decision soon.
going pell-mell into a hive of "killer" bees, I know, but
a sensible, logical approach to AMNESTY needs to be
taken, as so much is at risk.
First, there is the toll of human life that we, as a
"Christian" and godly nation, must, out of compassionate
hearts such as our Saviour (Jesus Christ), take into
consideration. After believing for a long time that we
should "send the illegals packing", I'm straining to
consider the ramifications, humanely speaking, of taking
such an action.
Heavens, YES, they are here against our laws and against
common sense, or so I've thought. Laws have consequences
for the lawbreakers, usually, and it is that approach that
I'm beginning to believe should best be taken. Those who
are here illegally should be made to pay a higher price or
perform tougher procedures before they can become
eligible for citizenship. After all, they have taken some of
our jobs that belong to American citizens, they have been
a drain on our welfare and healthcare systems, and they
are probably NOT paying their share of the expenses for
operating our great nation's government.
Just try to imagine the logistics of trying to send any
portion of the 8 million or so "squatters" back to their
homelands. It may be simpler and less expensive to
keep them here and patriate them! (My word.) Let's
give them a time requirement to meet before allowing
them to become citizens. Let's limit the number and
value of assets they can accumulate before becoming
If they want to continue to speak their native tongue(s), fine,
but do so as a subculture, DON'T EXPECT US TO HAVE TO
LEARN OTHER LANGUAGES just to assimilate them into
our lifestyles! Haba Englas? YES!
I'm all for returning "criminals" to their homeland(s) - those
who commit crimes of any nature, whether drug trafficking,
assualts, robberies, thefts, or failing to register properly and
be liable for appropriate taxation. Our penal system is already
overburdened with inmates, a large percentage of them drug-
related, and we don't need to have to keep being taxed to take
on an even heavier tax burden!
Individuals who are sick or need health care should be given
the necessary treatment to get them well, then send them home.
The most difficult part of this problem is the children who have
been born here, which I understand makes them automatically
American citizens. Here's the conundrum: How do we absorb
these citizens into our citizenship and legally and humanely
handle the problem of their parents? Should we send them
home and allow the children to return at some point or age?
Do we require that a monetary stipulation be attached to
their wages when they enter the work force, which payment
would help to cover the costs of allowing the parents to remain
here? Should the parents be granted "provisional citizenship",
assuming that they intend to blend into our culture and make
an honest effort to "earn their keep"?
Who has the answers? Congress? The president? Any of
the state legislatures? The churches? Government departments?
TO KNOW THE SOLUTION, but together, with God's help, we
need to reach a civilized, humane, conscientious decision soon.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I am a Christian. What does that statement mean? What
does it say to you? Are you a Christian? What is a Christian?
If one was to take a poll, a variety of responses would be
received as to the answer to that last question, so I hereby
propose to advance what some of them might be:
A Christian is a non-Jew or a non-Muslim, or a non-
member of any other organized or unorganized (dis-
organized?) religion.
A Christian is one who was reared by parents who
professed Christianity, no matter to what degree they
may or may not have practiced it.
A Christian is someone who has not been involved
in any way with any religion, assuming therefore that
he/she is a "Christian".
A Christian is a person who has been active in
attendance or who claims a local church as his or hers.
A Christian is one who has believed the Gospel
accounts of the life and person of Jesus Christ, and
consequently has accepted Him and His teachings as
the pattern for their lives.
Make sense? Any variation or combination of the
aforementioned may apply in some cases (yours?),
but I believe that this is an appropriate overview.
Why do we bother to raise the questions? Is it at
all important who Jesus is, or what He taught, or
that we have some familarity with Him? YES!!
Recently, the man who is the president of the United
States made a comment during one of his addesses
on his European trip, that "America is not a Christian
nation".....! Huh? Duh? Is he serious? He did go on
to state that we are not "Jewish" or "Muslim" , but
the die was cast for a rebuttal, and here it is:
founded by God-fearing and God-honoring people
whose intent was to incorporate the principles of
the Bible, in particular the teachings of Jesus Christ,
into the fiber of government, families, and individuals.
Mr. Obama, if you had paid attention to the teachers
in your youthful education,.......oh, wait a minute, you
had a Muslim upbringing, didn't you! No wonder you
have no concept of Christianity. Sorry. (Not really.)
You "converted to Christianity" at the age of 28, while
listening to Jeremiah Wright (I won't disgrace the title
of reverend in reference to him), whose brand of
"christianity" (if you can call it that) involved the
delivering of diatribes that denounced America,
"whiteys", and numerous other subjects. For 20
years you listened to this man berate the churches,
government, and people of this great nation, and you
never said a word of disagreement! Huh!
Methinks that your so-called "coversion" was
politically motivated, as you knew (and so do
the "powers behind you") that Americans would
not elect a Muslim to the presidency. Thus, it
behooved you to expeditiously "convert" to a brand
of bastardized religion in the guise of being "one of us".
Do you look out of the windows of your limousine as
you're being driven down the street? Can you not see
the myriad of churches and synagogues as you pass
by them? They are not monuments or simply great
pieces of architecture. They are the centers of
worship, however full or active they may be, that
represent the MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS that
are American citizens.
Granted, many who call themselves Christians are
so only by name, or only because of upbringing, but
minds, and daily living of millions of this great nations'
citizens! As long as we live and as far as we're
concerned, the United States of America has always
been, IS, and will continue to be "a Christian nation",
no matter what you or anyone else may say, or may
try to do to change our character!
Have you ever looked into the claims of Jesus Christ?
Have you ever read the Gospels? Are you familiar
with Josh McDowell's "Evidence" books that clearly,
intelligently, and very scholarly present the truths
of the prophecies and fulfillments concerning the
coming and arrival of "the Messiah"? No, I'm not
referring to you, no matter what Mr. Farrahkan said.
Jesus fulfilled dozens of prophecies concerning his
coming, had his life documented by secular as well
as religious historians, and is THE ONLY LIVING
"RELIGIOUS LEADER" who died and resurrected!
I have been seriously doubtful of your religion
ever since you declared during the "Compassion Forum"
at Messiah College that you are "pro-death" and an
"evolutionist". Not exactly your words. I intend to
speak to those two subjects on another blog, but
suffice to say that TRUE CHRISTIANS believe the
Bible which states that we were Divinely and purposely
created by God, and that LIFE is precious at any and
all stages, including in the womb, which is clearly
mentioned in THE SCRIPTURES!
does it say to you? Are you a Christian? What is a Christian?
If one was to take a poll, a variety of responses would be
received as to the answer to that last question, so I hereby
propose to advance what some of them might be:
A Christian is a non-Jew or a non-Muslim, or a non-
member of any other organized or unorganized (dis-
organized?) religion.
A Christian is one who was reared by parents who
professed Christianity, no matter to what degree they
may or may not have practiced it.
A Christian is someone who has not been involved
in any way with any religion, assuming therefore that
he/she is a "Christian".
A Christian is a person who has been active in
attendance or who claims a local church as his or hers.
A Christian is one who has believed the Gospel
accounts of the life and person of Jesus Christ, and
consequently has accepted Him and His teachings as
the pattern for their lives.
Make sense? Any variation or combination of the
aforementioned may apply in some cases (yours?),
but I believe that this is an appropriate overview.
Why do we bother to raise the questions? Is it at
all important who Jesus is, or what He taught, or
that we have some familarity with Him? YES!!
Recently, the man who is the president of the United
States made a comment during one of his addesses
on his European trip, that "America is not a Christian
nation".....! Huh? Duh? Is he serious? He did go on
to state that we are not "Jewish" or "Muslim" , but
the die was cast for a rebuttal, and here it is:
founded by God-fearing and God-honoring people
whose intent was to incorporate the principles of
the Bible, in particular the teachings of Jesus Christ,
into the fiber of government, families, and individuals.
Mr. Obama, if you had paid attention to the teachers
in your youthful education,.......oh, wait a minute, you
had a Muslim upbringing, didn't you! No wonder you
have no concept of Christianity. Sorry. (Not really.)
You "converted to Christianity" at the age of 28, while
listening to Jeremiah Wright (I won't disgrace the title
of reverend in reference to him), whose brand of
"christianity" (if you can call it that) involved the
delivering of diatribes that denounced America,
"whiteys", and numerous other subjects. For 20
years you listened to this man berate the churches,
government, and people of this great nation, and you
never said a word of disagreement! Huh!
Methinks that your so-called "coversion" was
politically motivated, as you knew (and so do
the "powers behind you") that Americans would
not elect a Muslim to the presidency. Thus, it
behooved you to expeditiously "convert" to a brand
of bastardized religion in the guise of being "one of us".
Do you look out of the windows of your limousine as
you're being driven down the street? Can you not see
the myriad of churches and synagogues as you pass
by them? They are not monuments or simply great
pieces of architecture. They are the centers of
worship, however full or active they may be, that
represent the MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS that
are American citizens.
Granted, many who call themselves Christians are
so only by name, or only because of upbringing, but
minds, and daily living of millions of this great nations'
citizens! As long as we live and as far as we're
concerned, the United States of America has always
been, IS, and will continue to be "a Christian nation",
no matter what you or anyone else may say, or may
try to do to change our character!
Have you ever looked into the claims of Jesus Christ?
Have you ever read the Gospels? Are you familiar
with Josh McDowell's "Evidence" books that clearly,
intelligently, and very scholarly present the truths
of the prophecies and fulfillments concerning the
coming and arrival of "the Messiah"? No, I'm not
referring to you, no matter what Mr. Farrahkan said.
Jesus fulfilled dozens of prophecies concerning his
coming, had his life documented by secular as well
as religious historians, and is THE ONLY LIVING
"RELIGIOUS LEADER" who died and resurrected!
I have been seriously doubtful of your religion
ever since you declared during the "Compassion Forum"
at Messiah College that you are "pro-death" and an
"evolutionist". Not exactly your words. I intend to
speak to those two subjects on another blog, but
suffice to say that TRUE CHRISTIANS believe the
Bible which states that we were Divinely and purposely
created by God, and that LIFE is precious at any and
all stages, including in the womb, which is clearly
mentioned in THE SCRIPTURES!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My birth certificate says that I was born at approximately 12:15 AM on July 15, 1940,
in Canonsburg Hospital, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Son of Nancy Virginia O'Donnell-
Richey and Charles Wilbert Richey, Sr., the firstborn of their union. Both of my parents
were (now deceased) natural-born Americans, of Scotch-Irish and German-English
descent. Actually, a family tree done many years ago establishes me as a descendant
of a king! Whether of Scottland or Ireland, I don't recall.
Canonsburg, my birth city, may sound familiar to you, as it is also the home of some
entertainers of note, namely Perry Como, Bobby Vinton (the Polish Prince), and the
Four Coins singing group.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! Thank God for being born here instead of some
other places where life would not have been so good, if you know what I mean. My
mother often remarked how that often as a child still in the crib, I would stand whenever
I would hear our national anthem playing. Precocious, hey? I have always felt my
heart flutter and my pride rise when seeing the flag go by during a parade or a color
guard presentation.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! My country has come to the rescue numerous
times during my lifetime, to help the needy, nurse the sick, rescue the perishing, and
to intervene when injustices were being perpetrated upon innocent and helpless peoples.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! I love saying the pledge of allegiance, singing
partiotic songs, honoring our military, and visiting historical sites where our freedoms
were bought and fought for.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! I've seen the "amber waves of grain", the "purple
mountains' majesty", the "fruited plains", and many of our nations' "shining seas", and
I've been awed by their beauty and grandeur!
ARE YOU AN AMERICAN? Whether born here or naturalized by becoming a citizen,
I pray that you appreciate the blessings you've been given by God to live in this great
country. And if you're not yet a citizen, you would do yourself a favor by taking the
steps to become one, enjoying the full privileges of what few other peoples can claim.
To my point - the person now residing in the White House has refused to provide proof
of his nationality and birth. Repeated requests by numerous individuals have been met
with either deaf ears or curious attempts to ridicule why anyone would question his
origin. He claims to have been born in one Hawaiian hospital, while his sister stated that
he was born in a different Hawaiian hospital. His paternal grandmother is reported to
have been in the room in Kenya when he was born. A "Certificate Of Live Birth" has
circulated, which is nothing more than a legal instrument to enable one to apply for
a driver's license, or do any of a number of legal activities - it is not the same as a
"Birth Certificate"!
All of the suspicion and questions could be easily put to rest if he would only come
forth and display his actual, legal, American birth certificate, that is, if indeed such a
document exists! Mr. President, prove yourself!
in Canonsburg Hospital, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Son of Nancy Virginia O'Donnell-
Richey and Charles Wilbert Richey, Sr., the firstborn of their union. Both of my parents
were (now deceased) natural-born Americans, of Scotch-Irish and German-English
descent. Actually, a family tree done many years ago establishes me as a descendant
of a king! Whether of Scottland or Ireland, I don't recall.
Canonsburg, my birth city, may sound familiar to you, as it is also the home of some
entertainers of note, namely Perry Como, Bobby Vinton (the Polish Prince), and the
Four Coins singing group.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! Thank God for being born here instead of some
other places where life would not have been so good, if you know what I mean. My
mother often remarked how that often as a child still in the crib, I would stand whenever
I would hear our national anthem playing. Precocious, hey? I have always felt my
heart flutter and my pride rise when seeing the flag go by during a parade or a color
guard presentation.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! My country has come to the rescue numerous
times during my lifetime, to help the needy, nurse the sick, rescue the perishing, and
to intervene when injustices were being perpetrated upon innocent and helpless peoples.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! I love saying the pledge of allegiance, singing
partiotic songs, honoring our military, and visiting historical sites where our freedoms
were bought and fought for.
I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! I've seen the "amber waves of grain", the "purple
mountains' majesty", the "fruited plains", and many of our nations' "shining seas", and
I've been awed by their beauty and grandeur!
ARE YOU AN AMERICAN? Whether born here or naturalized by becoming a citizen,
I pray that you appreciate the blessings you've been given by God to live in this great
country. And if you're not yet a citizen, you would do yourself a favor by taking the
steps to become one, enjoying the full privileges of what few other peoples can claim.
To my point - the person now residing in the White House has refused to provide proof
of his nationality and birth. Repeated requests by numerous individuals have been met
with either deaf ears or curious attempts to ridicule why anyone would question his
origin. He claims to have been born in one Hawaiian hospital, while his sister stated that
he was born in a different Hawaiian hospital. His paternal grandmother is reported to
have been in the room in Kenya when he was born. A "Certificate Of Live Birth" has
circulated, which is nothing more than a legal instrument to enable one to apply for
a driver's license, or do any of a number of legal activities - it is not the same as a
"Birth Certificate"!
All of the suspicion and questions could be easily put to rest if he would only come
forth and display his actual, legal, American birth certificate, that is, if indeed such a
document exists! Mr. President, prove yourself!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Watch This Blog For Patriotic Comments & Views
An inspiration from God, I trust, to speak about the many issues that so many of the
silent American citizens cannot, will not, or do not know how to express their hearts,
minds, and desires concerning what has taken place in our great nation, what is
transpiring now, and what we hope, pray for, and expect for the years, decades, and
generations to follow.
Having agonized lately over political, social, and religious developments in and
behind the news, it is my intent to comment carefully on those things that most
affect and worry my fellow citizens, and myself.
Your thoughts, input, and prayers are most welcome, as I make an effort to make
a difference for those who need things to be different, which, I believe, is most of us.
My hope and prayer is that I will, indeed, be one who "speaks for true Americans"!!
Patriot Bill
silent American citizens cannot, will not, or do not know how to express their hearts,
minds, and desires concerning what has taken place in our great nation, what is
transpiring now, and what we hope, pray for, and expect for the years, decades, and
generations to follow.
Having agonized lately over political, social, and religious developments in and
behind the news, it is my intent to comment carefully on those things that most
affect and worry my fellow citizens, and myself.
Your thoughts, input, and prayers are most welcome, as I make an effort to make
a difference for those who need things to be different, which, I believe, is most of us.
My hope and prayer is that I will, indeed, be one who "speaks for true Americans"!!
Patriot Bill
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